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​​​your role  

Are you taking action to change or are you willing to support someone who is?


SoberProof is designed for the unique needs of both roles ...​

SoberProof Member icon - taking action to change their relationship with alcohol and rebuild trust with a Companion
Dictionary-style definition of a SoberProof Member: An individual taking action to change their relationship with alcohol and
SoberProof helps members on their journey: taking control, gaining support, and celebrating progress.
SoberProof Companion icon - willing to support a Member and rebuild trust
Dictionary-style definition of a SoberProof Companion: An individual willing to support a Member taking action to change thei
SoberProof helps companions: gain peace of mind, reduce anxiety, get support from Alf, personalise check-ins, celebrate progr

Stronger Together



Ready to start your SoberProof journey?




Link to join the SoberProof waitlist and get early access to the app
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